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Key Performance Indicators for IT Service Management

according to ITIL® and ISO 20000


For the monitoring and control of processes and functions of IT Service Management respective Key Performance Indicators are defined. They always have to address the Critical Success Factors and goals of the respective process. The relevant standards (ITIL®, CobiT, ISO 20000, aso.) contain proposals which have to be adapted and implemented in company specific way depending on:

  • the contextual characteristics of IT Service Management of the respective enterprise

  • the criticality  of the IT services regarding business success

  • the ascertainability of the performance indicators (this also influences the features of the ITSM systems of the enterprise)

The following proposals for possible ITSM performance indicators are taken from the ITSM Process Library developed by Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting.


As previously stated we keep the service life-cycle view, but all processes of ITIL® 4 have been taken into account and within the correct life-cycle phase.


Performance Indicators of Service Strategy

Performance Indicators of Business Relationship Management

Process Goal


Requirements from existing customers and prospects identified, ensured that they are fulfillable by appropriate services


Customer- and Prospect Relations

  • Number of new prospects in absolute figures

  • Number of new customers in absolute figures

  • Number of new contracts for standard services closed in absolute figures

Customer Satisfaction

  • Customer satisfaction per service as rating

  • Change in customer satisfaction in %

  • Number of customer satisfaction surveys in absolute figures

  • Return rate of customer satisfaction surveys in %

  • Change in return rate of customer satisfaction surveys in %

  • Number of customer complaints in absolute figures

  • Change in number of customer complaints in %

  • Number of accepted customer complaints in absolute figures

  • Change in number of accepted customer complaints in %

Performance Indicators of Management of IT Service Strategy

Process Goal

  Strategic and tactical targets for effective and efficient IT service management provided


Effectivity of the Service Strategy

  • Ratio of planned new services in %

  • Ratio of unplanned new services in %

  • Number of new customers in absolute figures

  • Number of lost customers in absolute figures

Implementation of the Service Strategy

  • Number of strategic initiatives in absolute figures

  • Number of successfully implemented strategic initiatives in %

Performance Indicators of Demand Management

Process Goal


Demand for IT services analyzed, predicted and controlled by technical and financial means

Effectivity of Demand Management

  • Current utilization of services per service in %

  • Number of unplanned corrective actions for capacity of services in absolute figures

  • Number of demand control activities in absolute figures

  • Quote of successful demand control activities in %

Performance Indicators of Service Portfolio Management

Process Goal


Service portfolio defined, maintained and further developed and handed over to Service Design as well

Effectivity of Service Portfolio Management

  • Ratio of planned new services in %

  • Ratio of unplanned new services in %

Management of Service Portfolio

  • Review quota of services in %

  • Review success of services (reviews with positive result) in %

Performance Indicators of Financial Management

Process Goal

  System of guidelines for the economic control of the IT services and their operational execution ensured

Effectivity of Budget Managements

  • Compliance with budgets in %

  • Compliance with IT project budgets in %

  • Ratio of IT projects with continuous business cases respective cost-benefits-analysis in %

  • Ratio of IT projects with approved business cases respective cost-benefits-analysis in %

  • Ratio of IT projects with executed business case reviews in %

Economic Efficiency of the IT Services

  • Contribution margin per service in €

  • Ratio of services with positive contribution margin in %

  • Total contribution margin in €

  • Total costs of services in €

  • Costs per service in €


Performance Indicators of Service Design

Performance Indicators of Service Level Management

Process Goal

  Contractual basis for the provision of services ensured with IT service consumers (customers) and external and internal providers of service contributions as well
Comprehensiveness of Service Level Management

  • Ratio of services with actual service level agreement in %

  • Ratio of services with actual operational level agreement (where appropriate) in %

  • Ratio of services with actual underpinning contracts (supplier contracts) (where appropriate) in %

  • Ratio of reviewed service level agreements in %

  • Ratio of reviewed operational level agreements in %

  • Ratio of reviewed underpinning contracts (supplier contracts) in %

Effectivity of Service Level Management

  • Ratio of services fulfilling the agreed performance according to service level agreement in %

  • Ratio of internal service contributions fulfilling the agreed performance according to operational level agreement in %

  • Ratio of external service contributions fulfilling the agreed performance according to underpinning contract (supplier contract) in %

Benefits from Service Level Management

  • Number of customer complaints due to not fulfilled service levels in absolute figures

  • Consequential costs for corrective action due to not fulfilled service levels in €

  • Consequential costs of contractual penalties due to not fulfilled service levels in €

  • Number of detected improvement potentials from the review of service level arrangements in absolute figures

  • Number of implemented improvement potentials from the review of service level arrangements in absolute figures

  • Total costs of activities for service level management in €

Performance Indicators of Availability Management

Process Goal

  All IT services, the IT infrastructure, all processes, tools and roles are able to reach the agreed service levels from the availability perspective

Fulfillment of Business Requirements related to the Availability of  IT Services

  • Reduction of unavailability of services in %

  • Reduction of additional cost of business work due to unavailability of services in € und %

  • Reduction of unavailability in defined peak business times in %

  • Improvement of the satisfaction of the IT service consumers according to satisfaction survey in %

Management of Availability and Reliance of the IT Services

  • Reduction of unavailability of services and components in %

  • Improvement of end-to-end availability of services in %

  • Improvement of mean time between failures (MTBF) in %

  • Improvement of mean time between incidents (MTBI) in %

  • Reduction of mean time to repair (MTTR) in %

  • Improvement of the percentage of formally investigated breaches of service level agreements (SLA), operational level agreements (OLA) and underpinning contracts (UC) compared to the total amount in %

  • Improvement of accomplishment quote of tests of the availability compared to availability planning in %

  • Improvement of number of services and components under availability monitoring in %

  • Number of activities to improve availability in absolute figures

Optimized Costs of agreed Availabilities of the IT Services

  • Reduction of costs of unavailability of services in € und %

  • Reduction of costs of service provision in € und %

  • Reduction of costs of corrective actions for availability in € und %

  • Change of total costs for ensuring the agreed availabilities of services in € und %

Performance Indicators of Capacity & Performance Management

Process Goal


Provision of sufficient IT service and IT infrastructure capacities to fulfil the agreed service levels in terms of performance


Fulfillment of Business Requirements related to the Capacity of  IT Services

  • Reduction of incidents in services due to insufficient capacity in %

  • Reduction of additional cost of business work due to insufficient capacity of services in € und %

  • Reduction of capacity and performance deficiencies in defined peak business times in %

  • Improvement of the satisfaction of the IT service consumers according to satisfaction survey in %

  • Capacity reserve compared to agreed average capacity per business critical service in %

  • Capacity reserve compared to agreed peak capacity per business critical service in %

Management of Capacity of IT Services

  • Reduction of incidents due to capacity issues in services and components in %

  • Improvement of the percentage of formally investigated breaches of service level agreements (SLA), operational level agreements (OLA) and underpinning contracts (UC) compared to the total amount in %

  • Improvement of number of services and components under availability monitoring in %

  • Accuracy of capacity planning compared to real capacity consumption in %

  • Number of activities to improve capacity in absolute figures

Optimized costs of agreed Capacities of IT Services

  • Reduction of costs due to unsufficient capacity of services in € und %

  • Reduction of costs of service provision in € und %

  • Reduction of costs of corrective actions for capacity and performance in € und %

  • Change of total costs for ensuring the agreed capacities of services in € und %

Performance Indicators of Risk Management

Process Goal


Risks analyzed regarding their impact to the business processes and covered by respective counter activities

Knowledge of  Risks

  • Rate of services with analyzed risks within the risk log in %

Risk Avoidance  
  • Rate of services with defined activities to avoid risk occurrence within the risk log in %

Effectivity of Risk Management

  • Number of occurred known risks in absolute figures

  • Number of occurred previously not known risks in absolute figures

  • Number of incidents due to known risks in absolute figures

  • Number of incidents due to previously not known risks in absolute figures

  • Service downtimes due to occurred known risks in hours

  • Service downtimes due to previously not known risks in hours

  • Consequential costs of occurred known risks in €

  • Consequential costs of occurred previously not known risks in €

Performance Indicators of Information Security Management

Process Goal


Permanent knowledge about the risk situation and effective activities to avoid them in place

Coverage of Information Security Management

  • Number of implemented security controls in absolute figures

  • Number of implemented preventive activities for detected security threats in absolute figures

  • Number of executed security tests in absolute figures

Effectivity of Information Security Management

  • Number of incidents due to security relevant occurrences in absolute figures

  • Number of emergency cases due to security relevant occurrences in absolute figures

  • Number of identified deficiencies during security tests

  • Service outages due to security relevant occurrences in hours

Performance Indicators of Service Continuity Management

Process Goal


Granted fastest possible restart or controlled minimal operation of the IT environment in case of disaster by planning, implementation and training of procedures therefore


Defined Precautions for Disaster Scenarios

  • Number of precaution deficiencies (high impact threat scenarios without planned counter activities) in absolute figures

  • Rate of services with defined continuity targets in service level agreements, operating level agreements and underpinning contracts (supplier contracts) in %

  • Coverage of disaster scenarios by necessary 3rd level support contracts in %

  • Rate of validations of revisions of the disaster planning together with the business management in %

Validated Responsiveness for Disaster Scenarios

  • Number of performed disaster practices in absolute figures

  • Number of detected deficiencies during disaster practice in absolute figures

  • Time consumption of the implementation of planned corrective actions in case of disaster compared with the disaster planning in %

Performance Indicators of Supplier Management

Process Goal


All contracts with suppliers support the requirements of the company's business and all suppliers fulfill their contractual duties


Comprehensiveness of Supplier Management

  • Ratio of services with actual underpinning contracts (supplier contracts) (where appropriate) in %

  • Ratio of reviewed underpinning contracts (supplier contracts) in %

Improvement of Supplier Performance

  • Number of performed supplier reviews in absolute figures

  • Ratio of suppliers with actual supplier review in %

  • Number of suppliers with deficiencies stated in the supplier assessment in absolute figures

  • Number of performed improvement initiatives for the supplier quality in absolute figures


Performance Indicators of Service Transition

Performance Indicators of Change Management

Process Goal


Value creating and incident free changes and modifications to IT services ensured by control of the complete lifecycle of the change according to economic aspects


Controlled Process for Modifications of IT Services

  • Number of modifications to services outside the process in absolute figures and in %

  • Number of withdrawn (not successful) changes in absolute figures and in %

  •  Acceptance rate of change requests in %

  • Number of changes in absolute figures

  • Number of changes in change advisory board in absolute figures

  • Number of emergency changes (in emergency change advisory board) in absolute figures

Protection of IT Services during Changes

  • Reduction of unavailability of services and components caused by changes in %

  • Number of incidents caused by changes in absolute figures

Optimized Cost of Changes to IT Services

  • Trend of overall costs for ensuring correct changes to services in € and %

  • Reduction of the costs of corrective actions after changes in € and %

Performance Indicators of Release and Deployment Management

Process Goal


All phases of rollouts holistically controlled


Implementation of Release and Deployment Management

  • Number of releases in absolute figures

  • Number of minor releases in absolute figures

  • Rate of automated deployed releases in %

Effectivity of Release and Deployment Management

  • Rate of releases rolled back in %

  • Total spending for releases in €

  • Number of incidents due to releases in absolute figures

  • Number of known errors in releases in absolute figures

Performance Indicators of Service Validation and Test

Process Goal


Implementation of IT services regarding the IT services themselves and the ability for support by the IT organization quality controlled

Implementation of Service Validation and Test

  • Number of executed tests in absolute figures

  • Rate of tests with formal test plan in %

Effectivity of Service Validation and Test

  • Rate of successful tests in %

  • Number of identified defects in absolute figures

  • Number of incidents caused by new releases in absolute figures

  • Rate of negative acceptance tests in %

Performance Indicators of Service Asset and Configuration Management

Process Goal


Quality ensured information about configuration items and their relations and dependencies available for all ITSM disciplines

Managed IT Assets

  • Coverage ratio of IT assets in configuration management system in %

  • Reduction of detected errors in configuration management system audit in %

  • Ratio of successfully audited configuration items in %

  • Number of detected unauthorized changes due to monitoring of configuration items in absolute figures

Support of Quality of the IT Services

  • Reduction of incidents due to wrongly documented configuration items in %

  • Reduction of solving time for incidents and problems due to correctly documented configuration items in %

Optimized Costs of Provision of the IT Service

  • Reduction of the number of missing or double documented configuration items in %

  • Reduction of costs for the administration of configuration items in € und %

Performance Indicators of Project Management

Process Goal


Service transition ensured by transition planning, -support and project management

Implementation of Project Management

  • Number of transition projects in absolute figures

  • Rate of transition projects with modifications after project start in %

  • Adherence to project schedules in %

  • Adherence to project budgets in %

Performance Indicators of Service Operation

Performance Indicators of Event Management

Process Goal


IT systems and IT services monitored for extraordinary occurrences and situations, appropriate necessary activities thereof triggered

Implementation of Event Management

  • Number of automatically monitored services and systems in absolute figures

  • Rate of automatically monitored services and systems in %

Effectivity of Event Management

  • Number of event messages in absolute figures

  • Number of automatically created event messages in absolute figures

  • Rate of automatically created event messages with following necessary correction needs in %

  • Rate of automatically created event tickets (event messages including a verifiable incident) in %

Performance Indicators of Incident Management

Process Goal


Incidents eliminated as fast as possible, reliable and documented

Implementation of Incident Management

  • Number of incidents per category in absolute figures

  • Average rate of open incidents in %

  • Number of major incidents in absolute figures

  • Total cost of incident management in €

Effectivity of Incident Management

  • Rate of incidents solved directly by 1st level support in %

  • Rate of incidents solved in time in %

  • Number of escalations due to insufficient or too late incident solving in absolute figures

  • Number of recurring incidents (incident happens again despite having been solved) per category in absolute figures

  • Number of consecutive incidents (ticket has to be reopened) in absolute figures

  • Average incident solving time in hours

  • Average response time from service desk (message to first reaction) in minutes

Performance Indicators of Problem Management

Process Goal


Problems managed over their lifecycle, solved and documented, occurrence of incidents due to these problems avoided


Implementation of Problem Management

  • Number of problems per category in absolute figures

  • Average rate of open problems in %

  • Number of major problems in absolute figures

  • Total cost of problem management in €

Effectivity of Problem Management

  • Number of incidents to known problems per category in absolute figures

  • Average problem recognition time (initial incident until identification of the underlying problem) in hours

  • Average problem solving time (problem identification until solution or permanent workaround for known error) in hours

  • Number of consecutive problems (ticket has to be reopened) in absolute figures

  • Average effort to solve a problem per category in hours

  • Number of known errors in absolute figures

  • Number of permanent workarounds in absolute figures

Performance Indicators of Continual Service Improvement

Performance Indicators of Service Evaluation

Process Goal


Continual quality improved processes of IT service management within the framework of a controlled consistent process architecture


Implementation of Service Evaluation

  • Number of IT Services in absolute figures

  • Rate of reviewed IT Services in %

  • Rate of IT Services with defined Service Responsibles (Service Owner) in %

  • Toal cost of Service Evaluation in €

Effectivity of Service Evaluation

  • Number of recommendations for service improvement in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented recommendations for service improvement in %

  • Number of initiatives triggered due to deficiencies detected during service review in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented initiatives triggered due to deficiencies detected during service review in %

Performance Indicators of Process Management

Process Goal


Continual quality improved processes of IT service management within the framework of a controlled consistent process architecture


Implementation of Process Management

  • Number of documented ITSM processes in absolute figures

  • Rate of documented ITSM processes in %

  • Rate of ITSM processes with defined process owners in %

  • Total cost of process management in €

Effectivity of Process Management

  • Process maturity of the separate ITSM processes according to CMMI or SPICE (ISO 15504)

  • Number of recommendations for process improvement in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented recommendations for process improvement in %

  • Number of initiatives triggered due to deficiencies detected during process review in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented initiatives triggered due to deficiencies detected during process review in %

Performance Indicators of Improvement Management

Process Goal


Holistically planned and realized improvement initiatives for the IT service management


Implementation of Improvement Management

  • Number of improvement initiatives in absolute figures

  • Rate of open improvement initiatives in %

  • Total cost of improvement management in €

Effectivity of Improvement Management

  • Number of recommendations for service- or process quality improvement in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented recommendations for service- or process quality improvement in %

  • Number of initiatives due to correction demand in absolute figures

  • Rate of implemented initiatives due to correction demand in %

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  © 2006 - 2024 Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting

Last update 2024-07-03 

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